
Ithinkitwouldbehelpfulifitwaspossibletoaddcustomfields(oratextareafornotes)tostoredpasswordstosecurelystoreadditional.,ThispatchresolvesanissuewherethePasswordManagerAdd-onisgrayedoutinMozillaFirefox3.0underWindowsXPServicePack2andVista(32-bit) ...,Firefox'sbuilt-inpasswordmanagementletsyouaccessandmanageyourpasswordsquicklyandsecurely.Whenyouvisitawebpageandclickonthelogin ...,HiAll,OK,herear...

Add custom fields in Password Manager

I think it would be helpful if it was possible to add custom fields (or a textarea for notes) to stored passwords to securely store additional.

Client Security Solution patch for Mozilla Firefox3 ...

This patch resolves an issue where the Password Manager Add-on is grayed out in Mozilla Firefox 3.0 under Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Vista (32-bit) ...

Edit or delete a login with the Firefox Password Manager

Firefox's built-in password management lets you access and manage your passwords quickly and securely. When you visit a web page and click on the login ...

Password Manager and Firefox crash [Solution]

Hi All, OK, here are two solutions to the problem. A. The short work-around fix: open about:config and change to 0 ...

Password Managers

2023年11月24日 — However, using a third-party password manager, like BitWarden, gives you a lot more in terms of features. It decouples your passwords from your ...


Re: Password Manager incompatible with Firefox 3. Get the add-on Nightly Tester Tool for firefox, and then reinstall password manager (by dragging ...

Thinkvantage Password Manager (unter Verwendung von ...

Hallo! Leider ist der Password Manager unter Firefox 3 nicht verwendbar. Wenn ich folgende Vorgehensweise nutze: ...

ThinkVantage Password Manager firefox extension troubles

Hello, it seems that the ThinkVantage Password Manager firefox extension is not really behaving as desired... on every firefox launch four pop-up warnings ...

为Firefox3 beta3 安装小黑的ThinkVantage Password Manager ...

2.将该目录下的 tvtpwm_moz_xpi.xpi文件拷贝到桌面。 P.S. 这个就是ThinkVantage Password Manager 为Firefox提供的插件. 3.用7Z、WinZIP或WinRAR等压缩文件管理程序 ...